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The Programme: An Overview

Who is elgible to apply?

Any third-country nationals except Maltese, EEA (EU, Iceland, Norway and Liechtenstein) and Swiss nationals.

Who may be included as a Dependant?

Dependants are:

(a) the spouse of the main applicant in a monogamous marriage or in another relationship having the same or a similar status to marriage;

(b) a child, including an adopted child, of the main applicant or of his spouse who is less than eighteen years of age;

(c) a child, including an adopted child, of the main applicant or of his spouse, who at the time of application is not yet born or not yet adopted by the main applicant or by his spouse, and is born or becomes so after the appointed day (the date on which the MRVA shall determine in writing that a beneficiary is issued a certificate);

(d) a child, including an adopted child, of the main applicant or of his spouse, who at the time of application is over eighteen years of age, not married and who proves, that he is not economically active and is principally dependant on the main applicant;

(e) a parent or grandparent of the main applicant or of his spouse who proves that at the time of application he is not economically active and is principally dependant on the main applicant;

(f) an adult child of the main applicant or of the spouse of the main applicant who has been certified by a recognized medical professional/Authority as having a disability.

How does one qualify for a certificate under the Programme?

1. The Applicant and his/her dependants have to be persons who may not be a potential threat to national security, public policy or public health.

2. The Applicant (beneficiary), has to pay a fee of €30,000 and any additional fees of €5,000 for any added dependant. Of the said fee of €30,000 a non-refundable sum of €5,500 is paid on application and the balance is paid upon the issuance of a Letter of Notification of Approval in Principle.

3. The applicant has to declare that from the date of the application onwards he has either an annual income of not less than hundred thousand euro (€100,000) arising outside Malta, or has in his possession a capital of not less than five hundred thousand euro (€500,000).

4. Property Investment Obligation:

Title to property, to be held for a minimum period of 5 years from date of certificate valued in excess of €270,000 if situated in Gozo or the south of Malta, or €320,000 if situated elsewhere in Malta;


Lease of residential property with a minimum annual rental value of 10,000 Euro if situated in Gozo or the south of Malta, or 12,000 Euro if situated elsewhere in Malta.

5. Portfolio Investment Obligation - The applicant must provide evidence of investment in a form to be determined by MRVA having an initial value of €250,000 (two hundred and fifty thousand euro) which must be held for a minimum period of 5 years from date of certificate.

6. The applicant must provide evidence of a medical insurance - Presentation of evidence that the beneficiary and all dependants are covered by Medical/Sickness Insurance in respect of all risks across the whole of the European Union;

What happens if the application is successful?

A Certificate of Residence is issued with an indefinite validity, provided that certain conditions are adhered to. The certificate gives the right of residence in Malta to the beneficiary and to his/her dependants.

Financial Obligations

Payment of non-refundable application fee of €5,500 upon application.

Payment of remaining Balance of €24,500 + additional dependant fees (if applicable). This upon the issuance of the respective Letter of Notification of Approval in Principle.

Qualifying owned property or qualifying rented property (€270,000/€320,000 - €10,000/€12,000 p.a.)

Following the issuing of a Letter of Notification of Approval in Principle, the Beneficiary has to provide evidence of:

Title to property to be held for a minimum period of 5 years from date of certificate of residence valued not less than €270,000 if situated in Gozo or the South of Malta and €320,000 if situated elsewhere in Malta.


Lease of residential property with a minimum annual rental value of €10,000 if situated in Gozo or the South of Malta or €12,000 is situated elsewhere in Malta.

Localities for the purposes of the definition of "South of Malta" are: Birzebbugia, Cospicua, Fgura, Għaxaq, Gudja, Kalkara, Luqa, Marsaskala , Marsaxlokk, Mqabba, Paola, Qrendi , Safi, Santa Luċija, Senglea, Siġġiewi, Tarxien, Vittoriosa, Xgħajra, Żabbar, Żejtun, Żurrieq and Kirkop.

Qualifying Investment (€250,000)

Required investment in a form to be determined from time to time by MRVA, having an initial value of €250,000 (two hundred and fifty thousand Euros), which must be held for a minimum period of 5 years from the date of Certificate of Residence.

Legal all-inclusive fees amounting to €10,000 (excl. VAT) per application.

Residency Card Fees (€27.50 p.p./p.a.) Residency card fees of €27.50 per individual per year should be paid for the initial five years amounting to a total of €137.50 per individual for five years.

The Malta Residence and Visa Programme (MRVP) is a residence programme which enables Third Country Nationals to take up residency in Malta provided certain conditions are satisfied.

 Address. 43, Apt. 10, Manuel Dimech Street, Sliema, MALTA.

Tel. (+356) 7961 8484

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